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Glitch 1 in Pink, Violet, and Blue

I am a weaver exploring the slowness that creates space for healing, comfort, and care. In unison with this, I am consistently curious as to how my craft engages with science and technology. My work investigates the role and aesthetics of glitch and the ways in which glitch can be implemented into the process of weaving. My weavings were initially inspired by the deliberate deterioration of jpeg photos. Now, I use the colors and patterns that jump forward in my photo manipulation to create weavings using the tools which were the foundations of the first computers: threads raise and lower in binary zeros and ones. Glitch also holds within itself an inherent lack of control or knowing. In deteriorating pixels, one can never be certain what beauty will emerge. To mimic this, I allow myself to make mistakes. I follow and change patterns and colors rhythmically, I do not remove weft when I have made a mistake in the weaving pattern, and I adapt to errors in tension in the warp. Looms were translated to computers, computers erred to glitch, and glitch holds a truth and beauty to return to weaving.

Glitch 2 in Pink

Glitch 3 in Green, Violet, and Blue

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